Official Controls Qualification
(Veterinary) OCQ(V)

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Remote Invigilation

We recognise that, in some cases, it is not possible for candidates to be invigilated in person during their online exam. Therefore, there is the option for invigilation to take place remotely in one of the following two ways:

1. Remote invigilation with a colleague/nominated person via Zoom, Skype or Teams using screenshare.'

  • To choose this option, click 'Nominate invigilator' on your Personal Training Dashboard, then enter the email address of your chosen invigilator.
  • They will then receive an automated email request, which they must accept before your online examination will become available. 
  • You can then arrange a mutually convenient time with your invigilator for the exam to take place.

We have provided some instructions for those wishing to set up a Zoom link for their invigilation. Please follow the steps below:

  1. Set up a free Zoom account at (note: a free Zoom account will enable one-to-one meetings of up to 40 minutes to take place). To view a PDF containing more detailed instructions on how to do this, please click here.
  2. From your Zoom account, schedule a meeting and send your meeting ID to your invigilator OR send your meeting URL to your invigilator. For a tutorial video explaining how to schedule a meeting, please click here.
  3. When you are ready to take your exam, your invigilator must go to and enter the meeting ID OR click on the meeting URL you have sent.
  4. Once your invigilator has joined the call, you will need your camera on and must share your screen, so that your invigilator can see both you and your screen at all times. The image below shows what the Zoom screen will look like.
  5. Take your exam by clicking on the ‘online examination’ link on your Personal Training Dashboard.


2. Remote invigilation with a member of the Improve International OV Team.

If you are struggling to find an invigilator for your online exam, a member of the Improve International OV Team can remotely invigilate you on behalf of ISVPS. You will be able to choose this option when nominating an invigilator. There is a fee of £49 + VAT associated with this option.

For Animal Health Paraprofessional training, please visit:

APHA's OV Instructions have moved and are now hosted by Improve International. They can be accessed using the links below:

Counts of OVs Authorised by APHA in GB




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