Official Controls Qualification
(Veterinary) OCQ(V)

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OCQ(V) - PX (Product Exports)

The OCQ(V) - PX (Product Exports) covers the export of animal products, including food for human consumption and animal by-products.

Looking for the OCQ(V) - PXr (Product Exports revalidation) course? Click here

Useful facts for OCQ(V) - PX

Prerequisite OCQ(V)s for PX


OCQ(V)s that PX is a prerequisite for


CPD hours awarded on completion of the course

Ten hours

Revalidation frequency

Every four years


£199 plus VAT

Course presentation


Exports permitted with OCQ(V) - PX

Qualification Permitted Exports

(1) NOT germinal products. For the export of germinal products, please see the OCQ(V) - GX (Germinal Products Exports) course.

Overview of training for OCQ(V) - PX

The training for the OCQ(V) - PX is all provided online. Topics covered include:

  • Procedures and requirements for the export of animal products, including food for human consumption and animal by-products, with particular reference to variation of procedural and documentary requirements related to country of destination and transit countries
  • Legal, professional and APHA requirements and procedures relevant to OVs undertaking export certification for animal products
  • The development of skills required for the resolution of queries/problems relevant to the export of animal products
  • Familiarisation with Defra, APHA and other websites providing information to refresh knowledge

Please note: before applying for the OCQ(V) - PX course, you are required to hold the OCQ(V) - ES and OCQ(V) - EX qualifications, as these are both prerequisite courses for the OCQ(V) - PX.

Revalidation of OCQ(V) - PX

You are required to undergo revalidation for OCQ(V) - PX every four years.

To view the requirements for the OCQ(V) - PXr (Product Exports revalidation) course, click here.

For Animal Health Paraprofessional training, please visit:

APHA's OV Instructions have moved and are now hosted by Improve International. They can be accessed using the links below:

Counts of OVs Authorised by APHA in GB




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